Practical English Usage

Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition)

Practical English Usage (Practical English Usage, Third Edition)

この夏バンクーバーに行ったとき,UBC (ブリティッシュコロンビア大学) の書店で見つけて,これはよい本だと思い,(日本に帰ってきてから) 購入.英語の文法・用語法の例が詰まっている.

始めの方に「Don't say it! 130 common mistakes」というのがあって,そこだけでも参考になる.

レベル1:「35 basic mistakes to avoid」の中の1つ.
don't say/write: This soup isn't enough hot.
say/write: This soup isn't hot enough.

レベル2:「35 mistakes that intermediate students often make」の1つ.
don't say/write: He has much money.
say/write: He has a lot of / plenty of money.

レベル3:「Even advanced students make mistakes. Here are 35.」の中の1つ.
don't say/write: Switzerland is among Germany, France, Austria and Italy.
say/write: Switzerland is between Germany, France, Austria and Italy.

レベル4:「Even very advanced students can make mistakes -- nobody's perfect! Here are 25.」の中の1つ.
don't say/write: She works the hardest when she's working for her family.
say/write: She works hardest when she's working for her family.
